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Psychology Hacks To Be More ATTRACTIVE.

Psychology Hacks To Be More ATTRACTIVE.

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1. Smile and Make Others Smile.- Smile often, it makes you more welcoming and attractive.- Greet people with bright, positive tone.- Have a good sense of humor.

2. Say People's Name.- Calling someone by their name in a conversation is an effective way to seek attention and also sparks attraction.- Makes a person feel personally close to you.

3. Hang Out In A Group.The cheerleader effect - people feel that an individual is more attractive when they hang out in a group.

4. Prologue The Eye Contact.- When talking to someone you are interested in, look directly into their eyes.- Prolonged eye contact increases the chances of two people falling in love, leads to greater level of attraction.

5. Get A Dog.- Pets are the best conversation openers as well as carriers should be.

6. Mirror Effect/Chameleon Effect.- Mimick behavior, body language, actions gestures.- It increases the interest and liking towards the other person.

7. Always Stay In Well Groomed State.- Show up in a well groomed state.- Pay attention to little things like hair, perfume, dressing sense etc.

8. Engage In Adrenaline Boosters.- Adrenaline boosting activities when done with another person tricks their mind to believe that you are more attractive.- Increased level of Adrenaline, increases the level of attraction too.

9. Don't Complain.- Avoid criticism, complaints and negative topics.- Even if not everything is good in your life, start a pleasant conversation.

10. Be a Great Storyteller.- Ability to make almost every story interesting is a talent.- Learn the art of story telling.- Use humor, especially self irony - the ability to laugh at yourself.

11. Body Language.- Confidence is the key to be more attractive in the eyes of others.- Keep your back straight and chin up.- Speak in a higher pitched voice for women and lower pitched voice for men.

12. Learn To Listen To Others.- Don't consider yourself the world's most important person.- Listen and show interest in the conversation. People start feeling needed and special.How about you stop dwelling on past andregretting your failures?


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