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Modern Life

Amazing quotes by Angel Philosopher Naval on health, wealth, happiness, work, success, self improvement, life and modern society:

1. Most of modern life, all our diseases, are diseases of abundance, not diseases of scarcity. 

2. The modern mind is overstimulated and the modern body is understimulated and overfed.

Meditation, exercise, and fasting restore an ancient balance. 

3. Meditation is intermittent fasting for the mind.

Too much sugar leads to a heavy body, & too many distractions lead to a heavy mind.

Time spent undistracted and alone, in self-examination, journaling, meditation, resolves the unresolved & takes us from mentally fat to fit. 

4. Mentors won’t make you rich.

Doctors won’t make you healthy.

Nutritionists won’t make you slim.

Teachers won’t make you smart.

Gurus won’t make you calm.

Trainers won’t make you fit.

Ultimately, you have to take responsibility.

Save yourself. 

5. The modern struggle – Lone individuals summoning inhuman willpower, fasting, meditating, & exercising, up against armies of scientists & statisticians weaponizing abundant food, screens, & medicine into junk food, clickbait news, infinite porn, endless games & addictive drugs. 

6. Meditation is self-therapy.

Instead of paying a therapist to sit there and listen to you, you’re listening to yourself. 

7. The three big ones in life are wealth, health, and happiness.

We pursue them in that order but their importance is in the reverse. 

8. School, politics, sports, and games train us to compete against others.

True rewards — wealth, knowledge, love, fitness, and equanimity — come from ignoring others and improving ourselves. 

9. A happy, calm, and peaceful person will make better decisions.

So if you want to operate at peak performance, you have to learn how to tame your mind. 

10. You can escape competition through authenticity, when you realize that no one can compete with you on being you.

That would have been useless advice pre-internet.

Post-internet, you can turn that into a career. 

11. Sing the song that only you can sing,

write the book that only you can write,

build the product that only you can build…

live the life that only you can live. 

12. Today in society you get rewarded for creative work,

for creating something brand new that society didn’t even know that it wanted that it doesn’t yet know how to get,

other than through you. 

13. The best way to prepare for the future 20 years is find something you love to do, to have a shot at being one of the best people in the world at it.

Build an independent brand around it.

Try to make a creative work, so you’ll stay interesting, stay ahead of the game. 

14. You’re better off following your genuine intellectual curiosity rather than chasing whatever is hot right now. 

15. If you want to operate at peak performance, you have to learn how to tame your mind. 

16. Only through suffering do you have change and self-improvement. 

17. Reality is neutral.

Reality has no judgments. To a tree, there’s no concept of right or wrong or good or bad.

You’re born, you have a whole set of sensory experiences… and then you die.

How you choose to interpret that is up to you. And you do have that choice. 

18. The universe has been around for a long time, and the universe is a very, very large place.

If you’ll study even the smallest bit of science, for all practical purposes we are nothing.

We are amoeba. We are bacteria to the universe. 

19. Knowledge is discovered by all of us, each adding to the whole.

Wisdom is rediscovered by each of us, one at a time. 

20. If you eat, invest, and think according to what the ‘news’ advocates,

you’ll end up nutritionally, financially and morally bankrupt. 

21. Suffering is a moment of clarity, when you can no longer deny the truth of a situation and are forced into uncomfortable change.

Inside suffering is the seed of change. 

22. Relax you’ll live longer and perform better. 


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