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What is the Yo-Yo Test in Cricket?

​​What is the Yo-Yo Test in Cricket?

It is one of the prime benchmarks used for evaluating the performance patterns of a player. Yo-yo endurance test is a test conducted to compute the endurance and fitness level of a player. It is a strength gauging exercise-based test, which is similar to the Blip test conducted long back during 2001-02.
The yo-yo test in cricket, also known as the yo-yo endurance test takes place in a patterned form, following the below-mentioned sets:
-Three cones, call it A, B and C are placed ahead of each other. A is placed 5m away from B, while C remains 20m away from B.
-The player shuttles between B and C at his highest pace, coming back to B, along with a pre-recorded beep, played in the background.
-Reaching to B, he walks to A and returns back to B, within the predetermined time for the next round of the shuttle.
-The calculated distance between B and A in comparison to the time taken by the player is calculated as his recovery time, prior to his next run.
-With the ascending test, the beep’s time after every shuttle decreases, forcing the player to increase his speed in this yo-yo endurance test.
-With approximately 14.4 seconds in hand for covering the 40 meter run between B and C, the next shuttle time decrease down to 10 seconds. This makes the yo-yo test in cricket even tougher.


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