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Showing posts from November, 2018

Can Android Devices be used in Space?

Can Android Devices be used in Space? Weirdly, this is actually something NASA has tested. It turns out that all the things consumers want from their phones—small and light body, durability, fast CPU, good camera—are also things that are useful to have in a satellite flight control computer. NASA’s PhoneSat program has launched several satellites that are essentially smartphones in an unpressurized box, to test whether smartphones could be used in building lower-cost control systems. Not only did the phones work great over the course of their mission (about a week) but they were at the time the most powerful computers ever launched on a satellite.

What is the difference between a Vegetarian and a Vegan?

What is the difference between a Vegetarian and a Vegan? Differences Between Vegan and Vegetarian. Some vegetarians also exclude dairy, some don't, and some may consume eggs. Likewise, vegans avoid meat, poultry, and seafood, but they also take it a step further by eliminating all animal products from their diet. This includes any type of animal milk and eggs.

Do Human Eyes change their Color?

Do Human Eyes change their Color? Certain emotions can change both the pupil size and the iris color. That's why some people say their eyes change colors when they're angry or loving. Eye color also can change with age. This happens in 10 to 15 percent of the Caucasian population (people who generally have lighter eye colors).

946. How does the Pressurisation System work? In most modern aeroplanes, the aircraft engine compresses the outside air for the purpose of propulsion. A part of hot compressed air, before it is mixed with the fuel, is 'bled' into the cabin - but only after it is cooled appropriately to a comfortable temperature, from the aircraft engine. The air from the aircraft engine is routed through air cyclic machines, or 'packs' which Condition the air for temperature and humidity and then pumped into the cabin.

How does the Pressurisation System work? In most modern aeroplanes, the aircraft engine compresses the outside air for the purpose of propulsion. A part of hot compressed air, before it is mixed with the fuel, is 'bled' into the cabin - but only after it is cooled appropriately to a comfortable temperature, from the aircraft engine. The air from the aircraft engine is routed through air cyclic machines, or  'packs' which Condition the air for temperature and humidity and then pumped into the cabin.

What is the ’@’ sign called?

What is the ’@’ sign called? Ampersand, asterisk, tilde, comma, parentheses. Most of the commonly used symbols in the English language have particular names associated with them, so we can talk about them without having to say "you know, that squiggly symbol that kind of looks like the letter S." With the emergence of the Internet, and with it, the important role that the ’@’ sign plays in e-mail addresses, this once uncommon symbol now has a lot of people wondering what to call it. Officially, this symbol is called commercial at. Unofficially, most people seem to refer to it as the at sign or just at. Recently, there has also been a movement to call it the atmark. There are also numerous nicknames for it, including snail, curl, strudel, whorl, and whirlpool.

Madurai to Mumbai 24.11.2018